A great way to get involved with your child's education is to join our PTA. The Compass PTA warmly welcomes you, as your child is ready to begin his/her school career. The PTA is made up of parents, teachers, school administration, and community members. The funds raised by PTA are used to send children on field trips, purchase items for children to use at school, staff appreciation, and to provide activities for students and families of our community.
All parents can volunteer for activities and attend meetings. If you would like to become a voting member, the cost to join is only $5 per person. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. We do offer childcare at all meetings. We hope to see you there!
Frequently asked questions about the PTA
What has the PTA provided for our schools?
- Field Trips
- Books for the library
- Classroom and Playground equipment
- Laminating machines
- Die Cut machines
- Computer Software Digital Cameras
What are some of the programs and activities the PTA provides for the family?
- Class Parties
- Book Fairs
- Skating Night
- Bingo Night
- Winter Wonderland Breakfast
How are we kept informed about the PTA?
A newsletter is sent each month. You can sign up for our newsletter on the home page of our website (ptacompass.com). Additionally, flyers are sent home prior to community activities. These activities are scheduled after school hours.
How can I participate in the PTA?
By joining one of the many PTA committees or a parent volunteer program. Please see the events tab on our webpage. Further, by attending our general membership meetings the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm in the Compass Cafeteria.